Sunday, October 25, 2009

George Will to Cheney: You Should Have Dithered Before Iraq

It's not very often I find myself agreeing with conservative columnist George Will. Having said that, I have a lot of respect for him as a writer. I think he's a smart man who sticks to his principles and who is not afraid to call out members of his own party when they need it. Beck and Limbaugh would do well to learn from Will; he actually uses these splendid things called rational arguments.

Last week, former Vice President Cheney accused the White House of "dithering" in its decision on what strategy to pursue in Afghanistan. George Will's relevant smackdown, from ABC's Roundtable this morning:
"A bit of dithering might have been in order before we went into Iraq in pursuit of non-existent weapons of mass destruction. So for a representative of the Bush Administration to accuse someone of taking too much time is missing the point. We have much more to fear in this town from hasty than from slow government action." (emphasis added)

Read more at:
Amen. The last thing we need is a hasty, hotheaded, kneejerk escalation in the Graveyard of Empires. I don't pretend to know what the answer is in Afghanistan, other than that I don't think there is an easy or good option at this point. Whatever we end up doing, I just want there to be an actual plan and a clear picture of what "victory" or "success" looks like
Amen. The last thing we need is a hasty, hotheaded, kneejerk escalation in the Graveyard of Empires. I don't pretend to know what the answer is in Afghanistan, other than that I don't htink there is an easy or good option at this point. Whatever we end up doing, I just want there to be an actual plan and a clear picture of what "victory" or "success" looks like.

So by all means, President Obama, dither.

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